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Renae at CarePortal

Can I speak to your manager?

Updated: Sep 10, 2021

When God shows grace, even when you aren't feeling graceful.

Here's a little encouragement... wrapped in something frustrating...and it's almost unbelievable:

I recently received a call from a very flustered caseworker. She had put in a request for a set of bunk beds, and the church had very quickly responded. With in a day or two, a response team member had purchased new mattresses and sheets for a “hand me down” bunk bed frame and connected with the family in need. As far as CarePortal was concerned, all reports were good and thought it was "mission accomplished"… However, the family had complained to the Caseworker, and the complaint was being passed along to me. Evidently, this young mom had not expected used bed frames, and she was very disappointed. The caseworker explained our process several times but the complaints persisted. At the ends of her rope and frustrated, this caseworker reached out to me in tears to see if there was “anything we could do”.

In that moment, I believe God was presenting me with 2 opportunities to extend grace.

My first opportunity was to encourage the Caseworker. I spent the next few minutes appreciating this sweet woman who was doing the very best she could for the kids in her community. I used the same scripture verse to encourage HER that I usually use to keep MY OWN head on straight: 1 Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore, brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, knowing that in the LORD your labor is not in vain.” I think, by the time we got off the phone, we both felt a little better about the situation… and I offered to call the family and do our best to smooth things over.

My second opportunity was to “deal with” this unhappy mom. Once I got ahold of her, she described a perfectly usable good quality bunk bed frame as “hideous wood, totally out of style and impossible to match with her room!” When I explained that it had been donated by a volunteer in the church who was just GIVING what she had available, this young mom erupted in anger and asked, “Can I speak with your manager!!!!”. Everyone take a DEEP BREATH right here! Believe me, I know what you are thinking… because all those thoughts crossed my mind as well. 1.She 100% doesn’t get it. 2.This gift was FREE! 3. Seriously?My manager? This isn’t BurgerKing! Let’s take another deep breath, together. Classic case of feeling like all your labor is in vain. All we want to do is make families feel loved and cared for. The desire of our hearts is that these families, in the midst of physical need, will discover their spiritual needs and turn to the Lord. We spend hours physically exerting ourselves to provide items and display Jesus… and this time we were met with very unappreciative anger. And then I heard the Lord’s heart… as I opened my mouth (and silently prayed for God to remove all the natural sarcasm from my voice)… I said, “I AM the manager. And here’s what I think we should do. The bed works, and right now you’r kids are off the floor… so that’s a step in the right direction. I say, you save up, and when you guys are solidly on your feet and able to buy the beds you really want, give us a call. We will be SO excited for you to donate to the next family. We will celebrate with you on that day because we will all know that God used this sweet volunteer’s bed to keep your girls safe when you needed help, and then he put you in a position to help someone else. THAT will be ONE EXCITING DAY! We really look forward to that!” And then the real miracle happened. She said, “that is exactly what I will do! That is going to be fun! Thanks for your help!” (There may have been some sarcasm in her voice… I don't know.

I barely heard her reaction, because I had heard GOD’S GRACE coming out of my mouth even though I was feeling undervalued and annoyed.

Listen, team, when I tell you that if we can be steadfast and unmovable in our ALL OUT love for our neighbors (completely regardless of their behavior or attitudes)… If we can abound in the work that the LORD has assigned to us… we can be sure that, in him, we never labor in vain. Remember well who we serve and find joy in revealing HIM… not just in the items we provide and the prayers we offer up… but also in our compassionate words and actions, especially toward those who don't seem to appreciate them.

I am continually amazed by the changes God is making in ME, in our church and in our city as we collectively decide to remain steadfast in this work. Go, blessed this week, knowing that the Lord honors and values your endurance. He is proud of your steady hearts and and humble spirits... And I am thrilled to labor along side you!


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