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CarePortal staff

Blessings Lead to Blessings.

When a High school Student Serves the Community with everything she has!

Today we brag on a local teenager. Some kids use their summer hours to sit by the pool or in a in front of a screen, but not 17 year old Leila Denbow. This summer, Leila has served 15 local families using the CarePortal Platform!

CarePortal is a connective technology tool that brings the needs of vulnerable children and families to the attention of their community. Child welfare professionals like caseworkers or teachers identify needs and submit requests for support. CarePortal shares those requests with local churches and community members, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond and prevent a child from needlessly entering the foster care system. Leila has responded 15 times this summer. She shopped Facebook market place and local garage sales and thrift stores to provide beds and dressers to local kids in need. She rallied her youth group to chip together and help pay the court cost for local teens seeking permanence with a family friend. Then something amazing happened. Leila bought her FIRST CAR! And one of the first things she did with it was fill the trunk with supplies and drive it across town to meet the needs of 2 families in crisis!

When a young person catches a vision like this... when they see their community as more than a location, and they begin to CARE abut their neighbors, watch out world! This powerful young woman, is growing deep roots and thriving as she nourishes others.

"God has shown you his grace in many different ways. So be good servants and use whatever gift he has given you in a way that will best serve each other. If your gift is speaking, your words should be like words from God. If your gift is serving, you should serve with the strength that God gives."~1Peter 4:10-11

Leila says "serving families in crisis makes me consider everything I own, everything I have to spare and everything I have to share. It makes me really appreciate my own family as well." It's fair to say that Leila has been given grace in many ways, and that she is using her gifts to serve well. She is serving with the strength (and the Car) that God gave her. Today, we celebrate the next generation who is stepping up to the plate and making our city a better place to live. We salute a member of our community who is inspiring others to act! We are so thankful to a ministry network that empowers young people to answer their calling!


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