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Renae at CarePortal


I get asked about "email fatigue" pretty regularly. If you're wondering... here's what wikipedia has to say about it: "Email fatigue is a state when subscribers feel overwhelmed with your emails, and due to this, they stop engaging with your emails. If you keep sending them emails, they might get annoyed, which will lead to lower engagements and higher unsubscribe rate."

Some times we battle "donor fatigue". Wikipedia to the rescue again: "Donor fatigue is a phenomenon in which people no longer donate to charities, although they have in the past." Sometimes because they are asked TOO MUCH, and sometime because the problem is TOO BIG. (of course CarePortal is not asking you to "donate to charity" we are inviting you to connect with your neighbors.... but nonetheless...) As a CarePortal Leader, I am acutely aware that in order to be alerted to the needs of our neighbors, we risk that uncomfortable feeling we all get when there are too many messages in the inbox. And believe me when I say, I relate to the stress of not being able to do it all... maybe even the discouragement that comes when you wonder if this little thing is even making a dent in the enormous problems in our city.

We are going see a lot of need. It can and will feel overwhelming, but let's receive them as a wake up call. Let's use them to move toward open eyed faith in service and away from convenience catered christianity.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching ~Hebrews 10:23-25

In an attempt to SPUR you on and encourage you... here are few things that have helped me get through some of that initial anxiety.

  1. SEE. If you commit to seeing the needs of your neighbors, your inbox is gonna be a little more crowded. And as difficult as it is to read so many of those stories, we have to remember that someone is living that story. I tell myself, "I refuse to close my eyes to the pain around me!... I am not called to meet every need- but I can't meet any needs if I don’t know what they are. I am committed to SEE my neighbors."

  2. PRAY. If you see a need that you can't help with right now, hit the pray button and invite the Lord to intervene. Hand the anxiety that is built-in to our limited capacity over to a limitlessly capable God. I tell myself, " I will let go of the hero-complex-goal of solving poverty on the earth and ask God to move on behalf of this family."

  3. UP-LIFT. When you have extra, or exactly what is listed in a CarePortal Request, hit the 'YES I CAN HELP" button. Chip in where you can, and to make a difference for one family. I tell myself, "Everything God gives me is fair game! I want it all (including my inbox, my time and my energy) to serve the Lord's purposed. I am committed to serving Jesus first and uplifting his children is an extension of that."

  4. REST. Find a rhythm of engaging and resting that works for you. If you just spent the weekend hauling furniture for your neighbor, there is NO GUILT in deleting a few unread emails from the CarePortal System. Gather your strength, pray for a few families and let the Holy Spirit tell you when it's your turn to serve again. I tell myself, "I will see MANY needs... I will pray and engage in a few, so that I can serve the ONE who gives me everything!"

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.~Galatians 6:9-10

And one last thing... If we commit to "not becoming weary" (from Galatians) it's gonna take "not giving up meeting together" (from Hebrews). We aren't going to be able to battle fatigue alone! Plug in! Meet up! Serve together, and fuel each other in faith! Connect with me if you need help with that. May the Lord open our eyes to the needs around us. May He be with us as we pray for our neighbors. May we each draw closer to Him as we learn HIS rhythms, uplift our community, serve together and rest in Him. ~amen


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