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Renae at CarePortal

Follow Up!

This is my basic follow up pattern. Starting with THIS slide from our Orientation Slide Deck:

I use this "step by step" to show churches where they are on the timeline.

STEP 2 means you have attended an informational meeting or a vision casting. When I follow up on this step I send a personalized message that reads something like this:

"Thank you for your attendance/Thank you for meeting with me.  You clearly recognize that your community has needs and the Church is on mission when we serve..  We appreciate your willingness to prayerfully consider how your church can engage in outreach, benevolence and community with those around you.  CarePortal is ready to help train and equip your congregation to go into your neighborhood and be the hands and feet of Jesus.  

Your next step is to Identify a Point person and Enroll.  A point person can be a staff member or a lay leader who has a few hours a week to devote to using the platform and coordinating volunteers.  It works well to employ a lead team (rather than just one person) depending on the size of your congregation.  Once you have a leader/lead team in place, ENROLL your church HERE.  That will prompt us to set up our next step: Church Orientation. We will equip your team to use of the CarePortal Platform as well as share some best practices on how to engage your church members to meet needs and connect with neighbors.  

If you have any questions or have trouble with that enrollment link, let me know.  I’m here to help! I look forward to partnering with you in the gospel."

STEP 3 means you have enrolled your church and now we need to set up a Church Orientation!

Here's a link to my Orientation Email

STEP 4 usually happens after the lead team has some time to work out how they want to launch CarePortal in their congregation.

I suggest in orientation that the leaders make several connections before hand and then I invite them to take the next step in Recruiting and Training Responders. I don't have a template for these emails, because every church is unique and by now we have started to develop a relationship with the lead team and a report with the pastors. A lot of listening has already taken place and I know better how to tailor fit the platform to this churches particular mission and serve style. This is where we would utilize the Response Team Articles

STEP 5 is actually happening all the time.

I follow up periodically even after a church has finished training.

  • I check in on my churches who "haven't responded in 60 days".

  • I send regular invites to local Active Community Gatherings (including calendar invites as well as rundowns of the next several meetings)

  • I send system emails to the nearest churches when a request has no responses after 2 weeks.

  • And I send blog post links from my "CarePortal Testimony Blog". Feel free to subscribe to that as well so you can hear and share victory stories with your teams. We all need about as much good news as we can get! Check that out HERE.


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