When God points us higher.

This week, lots of plans fell through. I’ve heard many reports of best efforts and “failed attempts”. I type this as I sit at an airport, having missed a flight by TWO MINUTES costing me 5 hours. Believe me when I tell you, I get the frustration we all feel when things don’t go to plan.
Today I just wanted to think with you, and dream with you about the concept of “God’s Best” vs. “our best”. As we endeavor to serve those around us, I just wanted to take a quick moment to ponder the idea that OUR best can’t even guess at God’s best.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." ~Isaiah 55:9
No matter how organized we are... No matter how well we hone our leadership skills or develop our gifts.... we will always be limited by our best. Our goals will always be lesser goals (no matter how clear the path to them appears). I want to encourage and challenge us as a team to pray hard after HIS best... to follow HIM, confidently knowing that He will lead us to higher goals. Let yourselves off the hook of “upholding your own standards” and listen carefully for divine instruction.
All of that said, I’d be wrong not to point out that He sees your best efforts, He honors your sincere attempts and He receives them both as LOVE and service to Himself!!! So keep on striving toward excellence for His glory... He delights in your pure devotion. But don’t fall into the trap of perfectionism... because perfect isn’t really an option anyway. 😜 Let God use all your moments equally, and take joy in knowing that He is thrilled to the core by your pure acts of worship!!!
May the Lord bless your efforts. May you feel his look of approval on everything you do. And May you walk your week with a strong sense of His presence and love for each of you !!! In Jesus name! I’m so proud to serve with such an amazing group of warriors... I can only imagine how excited the Father is to watch you GO!