Leaning the right direction with what God has provided.
Today I wanted to share some insights from our team about “stewardship vs. generosity”.
“Early on in my CarePortal days, often an unexpected donation would come in, followed a day or two later by a request for exactly that item. This happened enough that we knew it wasn’t coincidental, but God confirming we were on the right track serving his kids. It was so exciting to watch God provide in advance again and again, and I quickly began to treasure those items and hold them tightly as I knew God had given them for a reason. I wanted to steward every dollar, every blanket, every bed.” ~Janelle Shelton CarePortal Regional Director
Many of us find ourselves in this same predicament. Our hearts are in the right place. We have to exercise wisdom, but we may be overplaying the importance of stewardship and underplaying the importance of generosity. If we truly believe that we serve a God of abundance, not scarcity, we will be open-handed and trust. We can relax the need to steward limited resources to perfection and rely on His limitless supply.
“God will give more through you than he will give to you!”
That’s one of my favorite Tom Baxter (lead pastor of Peoples Church East) quotes. A pastor from another church summed it up this way. “God wants us to be rivers, not reservoirs.”
It all belongs to him anyway. So the sooner we learn to let resources flow through our hands to bless others, the more God will increase the flow. He knows what His children need before we even ask. He’s ready to act. His mercies are new every morning! Great is His faithfulness!
Go to Open Requests, type in your zip code and see the needs in your community. Respond if you have something to share, or PRAY for those families!
Lord, make us rivers, not reservoirs. Help us to serve with open hands and watch you bless families through us. And THANK YOU for making us part of the process! We know you could accomplish your will without involving us at all. We love you for giving us the opportunity to participate in your miraculous plans! ~amen