Doubtless, you have friends, co-workers, acquaintances and ministry partners that would love to be able to serve the community more effectively and more efficiently. Here are a few easy ways to grow and strengthen your local CarePortal network.
Use this template or write one from the heart, but introduce us to your sphere of influence. (Copy both parties and supervisors or additional organization leaders appropriate)
"Dear __ Pastor /Org leader & Renae Denbow___,
Pastor/org leader, Meet Renae Denbow. She works with CarePortal. CarePortal connects local churches with county agencies, local schools and others on the front line of child welfare to meet the needs and enrich the lives of families right here in our city/neighborhood.
We have recently committed to stabilizing homes and building community around families in crisis by using the CarePortal Platform. I thought you'd be interested in being part of this movement as well.
Renae, Meet Pastor/org leader. He/she works ____at this place doing this work ___toward the same goals.
I wanted to give you a chance to connect , collaborate, and assess where your
ministries/organizations might intersect to provide even MORE comprehensive and holistic care for our community." (sign your name)
Invite neighboring churches, local businesses, and/or community leaders to a gathering where I can give a CarePortal Informational Presentation. Help us connect more resources, additional partners and supporters to your network! The more solid our connections are the more effective and efficient your network will be.
Active Community Gatherings are a chance for your whole community to get together with some regularity to encourage one another and discuss solutions for your community. Every community needs a coordinator, someone who will schedule gatherings, send invitations, and manage agendas. If you'd like to facilitate an Active Community Gathering in your area I'b be thrilled to help get you started!
The bottom line is this... We know that in every community, some of our neighbors are struggling but they don't know where to turn. And every community has generous neighbors willing to help if they only knew how. Every time a local churches, business leaders and child serving advocate connect through the CarePortal Platform, we tighten the knit of our community. We are better together. Please take a moment to consider how YOU can use your influence to serve vulnerable kids and families in crisis. May the Lord bless your efforts.