Have you ever introduced a couple who ended up really hitting it off, told a friend about a job opening in your company , recommended a mechanic or a babysitter??? Sometimes, things seem simpler when you "know a guy". So often, it really comes down to WHO YOU KNOW.
As we build this CarePortal community of partners, we are experiencing miraculous connections. This week, we received a request for junk removal, to make a safe space for kids to be reunited with their parents... and wouldn't you know it, we "know a guy!" Our partnership with Junk King here in Cincinnati has blessed so many families over the years, and now we get to hire the BEST to do what they do best! Mr. Brendamour (from Junk King) has even volunteered to join our beautification team with additional clean ups and spruce ups! We are finding, more and more, that our circles of friends and social networks are as much a blessing as the items we provide for local families.
Recently, one of our ministry team leaders shared this story with me, and I was blown away. Maria responded to a HUGE furniture request after an apartment flooded. She'd spent their entire ministry budget on meeting this need. When the team arrived to connect with the family and drop off the furniture, they encountered a problem. This young mom desperately needed cleaning supplies and she politely asked the team for help! In that moment, maybe the team could have dug deep and scraped together just enough... But Maria knows what we all know... it's all about WHO YOU KNOW. She took that need directly to the Lord! She didn't say "YES" out of obligation or guilt... and she didn't say "No" due to budget constraints. She said:
"Let's pray about that!"
She left room for God to provide for this family. She introduced them to WHO SHE KNOWS... and He came through in an amazing way. The very next day, someone in the church did some pantry purging and donated more cleaning supplies than the church knew what to do with (not even knowing about the prayer Maria had just prayed).
God is in the business of providing for his people. If we can be faithful with ALL our resources... material goods and finances, friends and connections, time and energy... if we can use them all to lead people directly to the Lord... He has promised to do the rest!
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ~Matthew 6:33
May the Lord bless you with an even deeper "knowing" of Him this week and fill you with a boldness to share Him with others. May His abundance flow through you in every way. And may you walk this week encouraged by His provision... excited to join in His labor of love. ~amen