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"It's deeper than that."

Renae at CarePortal

Recently, my Bible study lead me to the Lord's Prayer. I have to admit that I was tempted to recite it from memory and move on with my day... But God said "Look again. It's deeper than that." So I dug in, and noticed right away that this prayer isn't just a "template" for how to pray (it is a great example of that) but, it's deeper than that. Let's pray TOGETHER:

Matthew 6:9-13 NKJV

OUR Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Father, help us to set aside the things that divide us. Bind us together under your fatherhood, with a common goal to glorify you and do your will.

Give US this day our daily bread.

Lord, provide each of us with what we need today, to be healthy and productive members of your unified body.

Forgive US our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Jesus, allow us the grace to let go of petty slights, and put energy toward healing the deeper wounds of sin. Grant us the ability to function properly as ONE through the healing act of forgiveness.

Lead US not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil.

God, move us away from the temptation to compete. Deliver us from selfishness and any other evil that threatens our unity as your people.

For YOURS is the kingdom (not ours) and [YOURS] is the power (not ours) and [YOURS] is the glory (not ours). FOREVER. Amen. {emphasis mine}

May our fleeting lives, and our short short days be spent TOGETHER in pursuit of a unity that brings you Honor for ETERNITY!

Thanks you for praying with us for Unity in our Faith Community. We know that as we serve as one, across denominations, geography and economics we shout UNITY loud and clear to our world. If you want to serve with us, register to see requests HERE or contact me @ so I can help you plug in!



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stories of abundant life.

Renae Denbow

CarePortal OHIO



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