When the entire community comes together.
I've just come back from our amazing CarePortal Serve Day in partnership with Junk King, and I had to share with you exactly what happened.
13 people (with 6 big vehicles) from 6 different churches and 3 different community partners, served 9 different families TODAY! By repurposing items donated by Junk King, we saved over $2000!!! And TOGETHER, our combined efforts strengthened and stabilized homes for 17 local kids. I don’t usually get really worked up over the numbers… but today… we succeeded in a measurable way! And those of you who know me well, know I can't just leave it at that! Let’s talk about the immeasurable things that happened today! 17 kids received a message, LOUD AND CLEAR, that their community cares about them! 9 families can sleep easier tonight, knowing that some of their heaviest burdens have been lifted. And
a group of believers gathered, in 25 degree temps, to worship and express their faith...not in song or even with words... but with an ACTION that honors their convictions. In every way, today was a WIN.
I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to this huge undertaking. And to send a word of encouragement to the rest of our supportive community. THIS is what happens when we come together in unity. Please know that no matter the size of your contribution, the frequency of your giving, or how often you can volunteer, God excepts it. Please know that as we each do what we are capable of, God is filling all the gaps. Big things are built out of small parts! Let's all continue to do what we can and watch God bless our offerings!
As always, I'm praying for you this week. I'm asking God to give you boldness on behalf of these kids! May we all step exactly where God leads! I'm so excited to serve with a community of believers who act out their faith in this beautiful expression! Have a blessed week.