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Renae at CarePortal


When God flexes.

I have a running list of amazing stories I want to tell you! Every week, I hear of beautiful things happening in our community and I jot down notes knowing that God has called me to shout His works from the roof tops and make His love for His people known… but to be honest, MANY of the stories are never told. I highlight the things that seem most encouraging or most pressing but the list lengthens almost daily.

I can’t keep up with the goodness of God!

And sometimes the stories are so big and so intricate that words fail me! My soul is humbled by that… and this verse keeps ringing in my ears.

“LORD, my God, You have done great things: marvelous works and your thoughts toward us. There is no one who compares to you! I will try to recite your actions, even though there are too many to number.” ~Psalm 40:5

This week, I had an incredible, life giving conversation with one of our front line heroes, Charlie, a Resource Director at a local School. He sees a lot of need first hand. Recently, he was working with a mom in need of car repair. A local repair shop took a look, and as is often the case, the repairs were a LOT more extensive than this family originally expected. Here’s where the story gets good! Charlie says, “before I could even put in a CarePortal request for the cost, our friends at Bryson’s Auto Repair took a leap of faith!” They decided to do the repairs and believe that the payment would come in. In Charlie’s words, “WHO DOES THAT?!” Repairs were done on a Friday, and by Sunday afternoon a local church had seen the CarePortal Request and paid the bill in full! When we all come together … Look what God will do. He’s building our collective faith. When the faith in the community is met with the faith of the local church …and a family is held together in the process… God get’s the glory!

Near the end of our conversation, Charlie said

“The only word I can use is MIRACULOUS!”

I couldn’t agree more!

“You're the God who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples"~Psalm 77:14

May the Lord bless you with open eyes to see his wonders! May he amplify your voices as you TRY to recite his actions (even though they are too many to number). Let the Lord receive the Glory as HE increases faith and unity in our communities! AMEN.

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