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Renae at CarePortal

Posture Prayer

I've been practicing this Posture Prayer every now and again for the past few months... and I wanted to pass it along. The idea is to physically participate in the words you are saying so that you entire body gets the message.

1.FIGHTING STANCE (fists up): I confess that my natural human posture is defensive. To fight. To force.To prove. But I CHOOSE, as a someone who wants to see things differently, a posture of surrender. To OPEN MY HANDS (adopt this posture) I give up and over to a power that is greater than me. God, I surrender my life to you.

2.GRIP STANCE (fists down-waist height): I confess that my natural human posture is selfish. To grab. To take. To hold and keep. But I CHOOSE, as a person who wants to see things as Christ sees them, to OPEN MY HANDS (adopt this posture-hands open and palms up) and LIFE into a posture of generosity. As Jesus said “Freely you have received, now freely give”… Now, take a moment, HANDS UP TURNED, to ask for what you need for today. Wisdom? It’s yours. Hope? You got it. Forgiveness? It’s free. Peace and Provision? It’s all yours. And Everything I’ve received I will openly give it away!

3.ARMS CROSSED STANCE: I confess that my natural human posture is aloof. To spectate. To criticize. To stand at a distance. To claim that it isn’t my problem. But I CHOOSE, as someone who wants to act differently, to OPEN MY ARMS (adopt a arms wide open posture- think Christ outstretched on the cross) in a posture of mission. I say to those who feel invisible and to the deepest needs of this world… both across the planet and in my own neighborhood, My life is open to you. You are welcome here.

And all God’s people said, AMEN!

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship” ~Romans 12:1

When I get a chance to PHYSICALLY engage, through posture prayer, or raising my hands in a worship service or by serving my neighbor through CarePortal, I feel closer to the Lord. I have discovered that showing up, literally presenting my BODY as a tool he can use is a true act of worship... and I'm finding that physically engaging in the ideas that I meditate on makes my faith more substantial, more practical, more tangible. If you are ready to put the rest of your body where your heart is... please consider clicking here to JOIN A RESPONSE TEAM. We would love to worship with you!


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