This time of year, families break out the extra special recipes – the kind you pass down from one generation to next- the kind that require covering the kitchen in flour and buying lots of extra butter! It’s also the season for Thanks Giving. And this year, I'm more determined than ever, to pass down a habit of gratitude from generation to generation as well.
This note from a thankful Grandma is inspiring me this week!
“Thank you for helping my grandchildren! I promise I’ll pay this forward. I don’t know everyone who donated to make this happen, but it’s so appreciated. I’ve been praying for miracles for my daughter’s life… and I believe the beds are the first of many miracles. I believe God’s people come together sometimes, without even knowing about the desperate cries from the war room of a praying mother.
Your help taking care of my grandchildren when I couldn’t afford to do so myself… [shows me that] the Lord is really answering prayers! Thanks for being called and thanks for answering that call. God’s people are amazing, and we appreciate you and all the service you do for his Glory. It’s not going unnoticed. Love you all!!”
"Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!" ~1 CHRONICLES 16:34
So, Here's Grandma’s simple recipe for gratitude:
Start with a loving God who hears and anwers!
Kneed in fervent prayer.
Add a dash of obedience from God’s people.
Let rise until God reveals the miracle!
Serve with a side of recognizing God's glory.
While the blessing is still warm, find a way to pay it forward!
May the Lord bless each of you as you serve this week. May he well up in us a gratitude that we can't contain. May the blessings we have recieved motivate us to be part of a supernatural outpouring of blessing to our community. Jesus, use us to bring about your glory! ~amen