When God uses every little thing to build something amazing!

CONGRATULATIONS CINCINNATI!!!!! It's official! Together, we've served over 1000 local kids! This is such an exciting milestone for so many reasons! Of course it's a big, nice, round number! And that makes us want to throw a PARTY!!!! (a real party is currently being planned... details are on their way). In the mean time, I just needed to check in and cheer you on!
"Truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” ~Mathew 17: 20
In other words, SMALL things matter! Small acts of faith can accomplish BIG things! I want to encourage you today... if you've been making connections and serving families on a regular basis or if you've just finished serving your first ONE... If you've contributed by donating an item you weren't using or if you've faithfully supported CarePortal on a monthly basis for years... whether your church has 10 people participating or 1500... I need you to know that every little bit counts! Each little act of love carried into our community has multiplied and joined with the next to create something monumental! Recently, The YMCA offered FREE swim lessons to their neighborhood school's P.E. department. Unfortunately, the teachers were worried that many students likely wouldn't be able to participate for lack of swimsuits. Enter genius level Resource Director, Nikki, to the rescue. She put in a CarePortal Request for 40 swim suits and explained the need to her CarePortal Active community. This Sunday, the local church presented 40 swim suits to the school. Those swim suits are tiny! And yet, we know they they broke down huge barriers in the lives of these kids. It's not just about Gym class. It's about moving the mountain that separates kids across race and economics. 40 little swim suits made a level place where a mountain might have divided the landscape. And I need to tell you that this 40 kid request pushed us over the 1000 kids served threshold! THIS is a BIG moment built out of many small things. Keep serving!!!! One family at a time, one connection at a time, one little act of love at a time... we are changing the very topography of our city. God is using us to RE-SHAPE lives and futures. He's moving mountains! p.s. here's a side testimony: When Nikki saw the swim suits so beautifully displayed on a cloths rack she was touched by the thought put into giving the kids a shopping experience rather than a "hand out" experience... those little extra touches can speak VOLUMES to a child's dignity. Let's strive to do even the tiny details to God's glory!!!!