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Renae at CarePortal

Teacher, don't you care?

When Jesus calms an inner storm.

Ever ask that question? This week, I was working with a family with SIX children. Their home flooded, and they (the eight of them) have been living in a hotel room while repairs are being made... their savings hit zero on Friday. As we talked, Mom's heart cried out in desperation, "We are drowning here!"

We wanted to throw her a life preserver, in the form of a grocery gift card and the promise of new beds for the kids once the house was ready. To tell the truth, I wish I could have done more...But as I began to fill with regret, the Holy Spirit brought this story to mind, from Mark chapter 4 when Jesus calms the storm. His disciples ask:

"Teacher, don't you CARE that we are drowning here!"

Jesus' spoken response is beautiful, "Be still". I've always wondered if he was talking to the water or the men. They both obeyed! But his unspoken response is even more astounding... the FACT that he was right there in the boat with them! Of course he CARED! He's experiencing the SAME STORM. In that moment God was revealing his life changing, climate altering power, and I believe he will do it again for this family!

I'm reminded of Genesis 1 when God said, "Let there be light: and there was light." He has the ability to speak and create instantly! What if, when Jesus says "Peace, be still."he was CREATING the peace and stillness??? What if we are called to be physical manifestations of that command. On one hand, whatever storms we are going through, we can take comfort in the fact that he's going through it with us. We can "Be still" knowing that He can calm the waters with a word. And on the other hand, when we serve one another we BECOME the physical manifestation of his spoken creation. We bring the calm. We supply the stillness. We show up in the most chaotic parts of life, and as Christ's representatives, we walk WITH families and we carry the peace.

The storm is raging, Church. Please consider showing up to bring the hope and power of Christ (and meet physical needs).

As always, thanks to everyone who so generously gives to this God Work! Have a great week.


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