God keeps going deeper.
As part of my Kid's Ministry, one of my goals is to intertwine the study of nature and science into my lessons. I want my kids to understand that science doesn't supersede God or contradict him... it reveals Him. Insert here, a kid’s church lesson on the interconnectedness of God's creation and how everything works together by design... and so should we!
God created Trees... and He created People. But behind the scenes he also created a system by which humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide while trees do the opposite! He unified his creation by making us codependent with nature.
BUT WAIT, there's more. Have you ever heard of the mycorrhizal network of trees? Trees share water and nutrients through mycelium and use them to communicate. Under the surface of the ground, trees can send distress signals about drought, disease, or insect attacks. Other trees then alter their growth patterns, ration water consumption, and even drop leaves early to make their own compost in response to these messages. Scientists call these mycorrhizal networks. Trees don't compete for resources; they help each other thrive... and so should we!
Here's the point... Be like a tree! Or better yet, be like a member of the Church of Acts.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. ~Acts2:42
What if each of us were willing to sacrifice even a little bit of "our own" to help the rest of us thrive? What if we looked a little deeper and discovered that we are more like the roots (interconnected and codependent) and less like the individual trunks. What if, when one of us was healthier we all felt stronger! We are using CarePortal like a mycorrhizal network... sending distress signals from our community directly to your inbox! If you'd like to get those emails, so that you know how to respond to local needs please click HERE and register as a responder! We would love to plug you into the root system! I can't wait to see the revival that falls when we unite in this way to change our city, our country... the globe... and eternity!