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While in Treatment.

Renae at CarePortal

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

When a volunteer goes the extra miles.

We have some of the most incredible people in our CarePortal network. I hesitate to use the word "volunteer" most of the time, because there's a distance in that word and "partner" seems more appropriate for most of the people who work with CarePortal.

"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." ~Philippians 13:11

When I read Paul's words, I relate so much to the joy of having partners in the gospel!

When Paul calls them his ‘partners’ he uses the Greek word koinōnia, meaning co-laborers with joint mission. And that word koinōnia is the word I want to use when I highlight one of our very special partners today.

I don't think I have the time or space to tell ALL of the miraculous things that God has done through Cherie and her work with CarePortal. She has made lasting friendships, walked with young moms through some really tough times, and even supported an aunt who ultimately chose not to take in her nieces. Cherie has been one of the first responders for so many requests that I have lost track and she's one of our original prayer team members.

The whole time Cherie has been working every angle of the CarePortal System, she's been fighting a long hard battle with Cancer. We've been praying with her and for her for many years. There have been days when "all she could" was carry pillows into the house we were furnishing for our neighbors. There have been days when "all she could do" was make phone calls to encourage a young mom and make arrangements for the rest of us. There have been days when "all she could do" was look through the requests on and pray for each family. But whatever kind of day she is having, I can tell you this... She is dong ALL she can do! I could brag on the blessing of her partnership all day long. Let's pray for her ultimate victory over cancer.

I highlight Cherie, with her permission, this week to say this: There will be days when "all you can do" doesn't seem like much in the grand scheme of things. Making a phone call may seem like a a very small act of "ministry" but the impact might change the life of the person on the other end of the line. There may be days when we only have an ounce of energy... but Cherie would ask "what's a better way to spend that last ounce?..than on a pure act of worship to our loving and faithful God. I'm inspired by her sacrifice of praise! I hope that she inspires you to serve with ALL you've got this week.



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stories of abundant life.

Renae Denbow

CarePortal OHIO



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