Just wanted to pass along a little recourse this week on the subject of WHY we hit that big orange “Yes! I Can Help” button. You might feel excited or nervous about responding to a request for the first time… Or maybe its been a while but you have fond memories of last time. I wanted to remind you that just beyond that button is a God-given opportunity to step into someone's story. Take a moment to hear how other responders in Ohio have heard God's call to "Click Yes" and connect with a family beyond their doors.
“Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” ~Ephesians 5:15
May The Lord bless you this week with a renewed determination to make the most of every opportunity. JOINing a response team allows you to see so many open doors… and following the leading of the Spirit allows us to see all the ways in which “YES! We Can Help”. Thanks you for your continued generosity and care toward your community!