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Renae at CarePortal

A good, good Father

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

When God winks.

Ever get a little wink from God?... just a little something that tells you , "YES, keep going! This is the direction I want you to go in." Or maybe just a little nod that tells you "I'm here. I've got this. I love you." I get those a lot... I look for them. I've spent years training my brain to recognize them. They aren't giant miracles or glamorous stories that would make their way into a sermon or even a testimony... but they are part of my relationship with my Lord.

This week, as our team started to dream and discuss how we could solve the "problem" of having so many bed requests. We committed to pray for a "bed solution". We all know how OFTEN and how MANY beds we need on a weekly basis. Well, one prayer gathering and a couple of phone calls later, we had 110 beds donated from one source!!! PRAISE GOD! The catch was they had to be picked up the next day! Of course, I sent out a text to every man I know (on Father's Day, no less) asking for help S.O.S style... and our men of God stepped up! The next afternoon they rented a giant truck and picked up a treasure trove of beds. God is at work! He's going before us and arranging things ahead of us. God has anointed this calling and provided for it at every step. I need to take a break from typing to put my hands up in worship of this AMAZING, LIFE CHANGING, CHAIN BREAKING, FATHER... who PROVIDES, PROTECTS, and LEADS us into all the BLESSINGS HE HIMSELF HAS PREPARED!!!! (I'll keep typing when I'm done dancing!)

" Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen" ~1Peter 4:10-11

Thank you, Prayer team, for committing to spiritually support this ministry. Thank you, to all the men who jumped in to serve God with the strength he has giving you! We appreciate you and your obedience to the Lord! Thank you to the army of volunteers who joined us to store and deliver these beds and connect with local families. As we work together in unity, following closely behind the Lord... There is no limit to what He can do. Look for those winks, nods, and answered prayers. He's got so much more in store for us!

Connect with me if you'd like to meet local needs...

May the God who made us all and connects us all grow us in unity so that we can better serve. May we all feel his nudge in the right direction and find fulfillment in obeying it. May we all walk, just a half step behind him, into his beautifully orchestrated plans.


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