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Renae at CarePortal


Updated: Sep 10, 2021

When God supplies in a limitless way.

Ok, buckle up CarePortal Family, because this is a good one! (I mean, everything God does is good... but this is a goodbumps raising, tell it for years to come, LOOK WHAT HE CAN DO, stomp and clap, MIRACLE).

Recently, CarePortal received a request for 8 beds for a single dad, struggling to keep his family together after a Covid-shut down related lay off. His caseworker had amazing things to say about this great and hard working dad as she lamented the prospect of removing his kids. We made a plea, on this dad's behalf, to our network of local churches and social media followers.

Immediately, support started pouring in. One church had bed frames and bedding in storage. Another church's men's group offered to connect with this family, transport the beds and help build them all.... but the mattresses were missing. I reached out to the caseworker to report our progress. I could sense both relief and joy in her voice. "Just the promise of beds will keep me from having to proceed with the removal process! These kids won't have to be disrupted and that is always good news!"

By the time I got off the phone with the caseworker, I'd received an incredible Facebook message. "I'd like to help the single dad of 8." Turns out, after CarePortal served Mrs. Paxton's family last year, she started following us on Facebook. This need gripped her heart and she wanted to donate her stimulus check (which I'm sure she could have used herself) to stabilize a stranger's family! The amount of her check was EXACTLY the price of 8 mattresses (if I purchased them from my regular discount seller on Amazon)!!!! These kinds of full circle moments get me EXCITED! And to be totally honest, if the story ended right there, I'd be jumping up and down with praise!

But God didn't stop there. When I went to order the mattresses, I got an automated message telling me that I had "reached my limit" for mattresses and would no longer be allowed to purchase them. WHAT!?! I've never heard of being "too good" of a customer! But suddenly I wasn't able to purchase the items this family needed with the money that God had so miraculously provided! Seeing the humor in the situation, I posted a funny selfie (see above), sort of explaining the situation (with a little bit of hyperbole) I said "I'm banned from buying mattresses... who's getting the next round" with a silly challenge to my community to #getbanned and order some mattresses for me. It was all in fun, and I assumed I'd get a few laughing face emojis and go on with my day. Instead, the heavens opened up and it started raining mattresses! haha. 42 mattresses were pledged to CarePortal network churches over the next few days, and our city rallied to meet every need on our list!

Once again, God orchestrated mind-blowing-ly MORE than we could have imagined to ask for!!!

I could spend the rest of my life telling of the good things God has done... and I'd still have to end my praises with this statement from Job 26:7.

“These are only glimpses of what he does. We only hear a whisper of him! Who can understand the thunder of his power?”

Join me, this week, as we raise our voices together in praise! Let's worship him with our time, our bodies, our resources and our devotion. He deserves it! This revival we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the miracles God is capable of!!!


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