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Renae at CarePortal

It's a value statement.

When you're so proud of your community you could burst!

Ok, so we are a football family (and around here football means SOCCER)...dragged into fandom by my soccer loving husband... who knows everything about it, and loves to talk anything "football" (SOCCER) to anyone standing still long enough to listen. In fact, i'm not kidding, he texted me as I was typing that, to tell me that FCC just signed a new DP Striker from Japan. We are in deep guys. We are in deep.

I tell you all of that this exciting news will make some sense to you. Recently Meg Whitman (a local BILLIONAIRE), purchased a 20% ownership stake in FC Cincinnati and she paid $100MILLION for it.... I know, you are asking #1 "what does that even mean?" And then #2 "who cares?". I asked the same thing, and my avid fan and excited FCCincinnati loving husband exclaimed , "THAT kind of investment makes FC Cincinnati's valuation around $500 million!!! It's not just about the money. It's a VALUE STATEMENT".

I don't know as much as I could about soccer, or about the business of running and funding a professional team... but I do understand the concept of a VALUE STATEMENT. I understand the idea that putting her money into our beloved FCC, means she believes in the team and that she sees it as a valuable investment.

As point people and local CarePortal Supporters, I want to thank you for the VALUE STATEMENT you place on ministry to our community! God sees your sacrifice (of time, energy, convenience and resources). Thank you for ascribing value to your volunteers through discipleship and support. When your response teams feel well fed and appreciated, they serve better and more wholeheartedly. Thank you for ascribing value to the families we serve. When we give cheerfully, families feel loved and accepted by the church and by the Lord! And finally, and by far most importantly, Thank you for ultimately communicating VALUE to the Lord himself, as you do everything with love, and for His glory. Nothing says

"He IS WORTH IT!!!!"

like a lifestyle of steadfast WORSHIP in service to our savior. Because in the end, its not really about the stuff, or the time, or the sacrifice.... It's a value statement.

I appreciate each and every one of you and the effort and expertise you bring to our team! I am overjoyed at the prospect of another year spent serving along side you!

I'm praying for you this week that every minute you spend serving a vulnerable child will feel valuable to you. And I'm asking God to give you an accurate view of how treasured those moments are to him. May we see fruit from our investments and feel God's smile on our efforts. May we serve him with more joy in every passing day!

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