When we do what's best rather than what's most convenient.

Hello CarePortal Community!
Something beautiful happened last week, and I wanted to take a minute to share. We had a BIG request. A mom of 6 needed a house full of furniture and household items. The Church stepped up. Only a few hours after her request was shared, her neighborhood church had rallied their small groups to provide everything she needed. Last Sunday, Peoples Church East threw a full on housewarming party for this family. Complete with pizza and fellowship! And just to keep the party going, they are still dropping off items and grocery gift cards this week... deepening their connection and inviting this family IN to ours!
There are so many details I want to highlight that I am sure I'm going to leave things out... As I looked around that home, I saw teenagers giving up naps and screen time to connect with new friends. I saw men sacrificing their sabbath rest to drag heavy dressers up narrow stair cases. I saw pastors and community leaders rolling up their sleeves to help build cribs and break bread with strangers turned friends. I saw LOVE happening.

1John 3:16 says, "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters."
Last Sunday afternoon, I saw a beautiful example of this verse in action. Because we know that Christ gave us so much more than "his death"... He gave us his LIFE, laid down so that we could LIVE according to that example. The LIFE that was laid down in that house... the energy spent to express the LOVE of Christ... the willingness to walk into someone else's struggle and ease some of that burden... THAT IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!
TODAY we have several opportunities to bring items and Jesus to our neighbors. You can search your zip code or neighborhood here: https://www.careportal.org/open-requests/
for ways to serve in your own back yard. OR you can donate here: https://www.careportal.org/church/peoples-church-east/82492/
by selecting the "Give to our CarePortal Fund" button, to support our local ministry.
May we all endeavor to lay down a little more of our lives in order to better represent our savior. May we catch a glimpse of Him in our brothers and sisters as we sere together. And may we be more and more willing, if not eager, to join in one another's suffering as we share in one another's joy. Be blessed, this week, as you spend your LIFE to show His LOVE and amplify His glory!