When the community speaks up to say thanks.

Last week someone complimented me on the progress of CarePortal in Ohio and the massive needs being met in our neighborhoods by faithful servants like yourself!
"I don't know what you are doing, but it's WORKING!"
I had to explain that I had not changed a single thing about my approach during this covid crisis... I joked that " I wish I could take credit, write a book about how to be super persuasive, raise tons of support with very short deadlines, in the midst of a global crisis ... and I'd become rich and famous!" haha... but my confession is this: IT IS ALL GOD. He has supernaturally provided in the most demonstrative way... and no human could ever have accomplished the feats we've seen over the past few months! His affection for his children has been borderline excessive! haha... I've felt torn, each week about which story to share because so many amazing things are happening that I can't keep up!!! Isn't that just like our God!?
In the past 3 months, our CarePortal community has served 323 children and made a financial impact of over $50,000 in our local neighborhoods!!! God has blessed us to be able to meet 97% of the needs (and that only means we haven't met that last 3% YET!!!). I give you those numbers to paint a clear picture of the FACT that God is moving... because there is no other way that any of this could be happening.
Not only are the numbers impressive, but our connections have been meaningful and beautiful. Last week I received 2 thank you notes from the families YOU served... so I need to pass those on:
~ From a young mom who needed help getting caught up on her bills, "Thank you so much for blessing our family with your love and help. We are so grateful & blessed to have someone like you to help us out in a time of need. You are truly appreciated and loved "
~ From a grandmother who fell behind on her utilities after a surgery/recovery and then not being medically cleared to work during quarantine: "Thank you so much for this help!!!!!! You have no idea how much this means to me and my grandchildren, if I could hug you I would!!!!!!! God bless you."
Those notes came to me, but were really intended for YOU, and by extension, they are expressions of gratitude to the Lord!
2 Corinthians 9:11-12 " You will be made rich in everything so that your generosity will spill over in every direction. Through us your generosity is at work inspiring praise and thanksgiving to God."
And Lastly, I wanted to share one more thank you note:
~From the lady who gets the "pats on the back" for everything YOU are doing to promote the Kingdom of God (that's me): THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, for faithfully following the prompts of the Holy Spirit. For giving hands, feet, and forward momentum to the movement of God in our community! May your generosity continue to spill over in every direction. May your faithfulness continue to inspire praise and thanksgiving to God. Your service brings God glory and I am so honored to have a front row seat to everything God is accomplishing through you! Serve blessed by the assurance that you are part of something so much bigger than "one connection" or "one family"! When you put your hands to the same work God's hands are on, you can't help but be blessed. May your gifts be cheerfully given. And may that process fill your heart with the ecstatic joy that comes from partnering with HIM.